
Our Staff of directors is made of talented young Haitian professionals who are dedicated to making their local communities more creative, better educated places for all to live. As they carve out their own paths towards realizing their dreams, they are managing our diverse programs to ensure that others around them are able to believe that their dreams are possible too.

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At Living Media we are committed to working with other community partners who are already doing great work to serve the population in a number of ways. By cooperating with various organizations and uniting the strengths and resources from each, we are able to build stronger communities with a positive spirit of collaboration.

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Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is a diverse group of international artists, educators, and supporters that work together with our Haitian staff to oversee the operations of Living Media International. The Board exists to support, encourage, and connect the local staff to guide them and help them find the resources that they need to make the work possible.

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Visiting teams are an important part of what we do at Living Media. Giving our friends and supporters from near and far the unique opportunity to get directly involved in the work done within our community adds special meaning to our projects.

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